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    Why Choose ADROIT for Hernia Surgery?

    • Faster recovery and return to routine activities
    • Same day or next day discharge
    • Expert in all different kinds of surgeries as per individual patient’s need
    • Excellent long term result with almost no recurrence
    • Highly experienced in laparoscopic hernia surgery
    • Hernia surgery under local anaesthesia done for cardiac high risk and elderly patients
    • Laparoscopic surgery with excellent results also done for complex and recurrent hernia

    Over 15 years of experience

    Having the experience of 15 years and thousands of laparoscopic hernia surgeries of various types, Dr. Chirag Thakkar is an expert in dealing with complex and recurrent hernias by a laparoscopic method. He is having a very large number of highly satisfied hernia patients.

    Type of hernia

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    What patients say About Dr. Chirag Thakkar

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    No, surgery is not a must, if you can lead a life with hernia. But to treat a hernia, surgery is the only treatment option. So if a hernia is very small ,not causing any symptoms, and person is elderly, we can try to avoid surgery. In younger patients, it is unlikely that we can permanently avoid surgery. In such patients, any attempt to avoid surgery will actually defer surgery by a few years, when surgery will be forced upon the patient due to troubling symptoms. Unnecessary long delay in operation can result in enlargement of hernia, when surgery gets more difficult, affecting recovery and overall outcome of surgery. Rarely hernia may cause complication like obstruction or strangulation, resulting in gangrene of a part of the intestine, which requires emergency surgery. During such complication, apart from hernia repair this surgery may requires removal of gangrenous bowel increasing the risk of surgery and also risk of mesh infection. So, in situation where we feel surgery will be sooner or later needed, it is better to get it done electively at an appropriate time as per your convenience.
    In today’s time, with great advances in laparoscopic instrumentation and laparoscopic surgical skills, for most of the hernia laparoscopic surgery is certainly the best option. In some selected cases of very large and complicated Incisional hernia, most of the hernia can be treated by laparoscopic surgery with great results. Even large and complex hernia also can be operated by laparoscopy, with minimal invasive component separation technique (also called AWR- Abdominal wall reconstruction). In selected very complex hernia, open AWR becomes the ideal choice due to very large hernia defects. Read our blog: Which is better option for Inguinal hernia: Open or Laparoscopic surgery
    Yes hernia surgery can be done as a day care procedure, where patient can go home on the same day. Patient selection is very important for hernia surgery to be done as day care. It can be done for young non-obese patients below 45 years of age, with no medical health conditions. When done it is planned in early morning hours so that we have enough time for recovery before a patient can be sent home. Patients who are undergoing an open Inguinal hernia surgery under local anaesthesia can also be send home on the same day.
    Inguinal hernia surgery by an open method can be done without General or even spinal anaesthesia (where the lower body is anesthetised by an injection in spine) by an open method. It is called Hernia surgery under local anaesthesia. But all laparoscopic hernia surgery and even complex open Incisional hernia would require a general anaesthesia (where patient is completely put to sleep with medications given in the vein) Surgery under Local anaesthesia, can be done under local anaesthesia (patient is conscious and awake and only the site of surgery is anaesthetised). After this patient walk out of Operation Theatre after Surgery (Ambulatory surgery), as no general anaesthesia is given. This method is especially important for elderly patients with major cardiac and respiratory problems in whom the risk of anaesthesia is very high. Patient can be discharged on the same day of surgery after this type of surgery. Chirag Thakkar has a very wide experience in performing Hernia Surgeries under local anaesthesia.
    Cost of laparoscopic hernia surgery would vary within a range, depending on type of hernia, how large or complicated the hernia is, facilities (infrastructure and the OT equipment) of the hospital, type of mesh used and the type or accommodation/room selected. Laparoscopic Inguinal hernia surgery on a single side would somewhere between 65000 to 100000 Indian Rupees and both sides between 80000 to 120000 Indian Rupees. Laparoscopic Umbilical hernia surgery would cost somewhere between 95000 to 150000 Indian Rupees, and a laparoscopic Incisional hernia would cost somewhere between 125,000 to 250000 Indian Rupees
    After a laparoscopic hernia surgery, most of the patients are out of bed and moving around in 3-4 hours after surgery. They are allowed light diet on the same day of surgery. Most of the patients are discharged on the next day. Most of the patients don’t need any pain injections after surgery, they are fairly comfortable just on oral painkillers started on they start oral diet. Also, most of the patients are off painkillers just in a few days. Generally recovery is faster after Inguinal and umbilical hernia surgery compared to incisional hernia surgery. Watch our video on: Pain and recovery after laparoscopic hernia surgery
    Most patients are able to resume office based work in a few days after surgery. More strenuous work need to be avoided for initial 3 months. One can lift up to 5 kgs of weight even in initial 3 months, after 3 months one can gradually increase the amount of weight. Walking and light jogging can be done in initial months after laparoscopic hernia surgery, more aggressive sports can be resumed gradually after 3 months. Sexual activity can be resumed in a gentle manner as soon as one feels comfortable doing it. Watch our video: Laparoscopic Hernia surgery: Recovery, exercise, activity and sports
    Certain precautions in activity is needed for initial few months after hernia surgery. This is needed to give time for healing to occur and give strength to the hernia repair site, so that the mesh gets well incorporated in body tissues. The precautions help in better pain free recovery and to prevent recurrence.
    • Avoid strenuous work and lifting weight over 5kg for the first three months after surgery
    • Avoid catching cough and cold and if present take treatment for the same immediately
    • Avoid bending forward too frequently
    • Do not continue to suffer from constipation, but treat it at the earliest
    • Avoid yoga and other exercises for 3 months as per the advice of your surgeon and perform only such exercises as permitted
    Read our blog: Activity and exercise after hernia surgery