Dr.Chirag Thakkar
bariatric surgery

Patient’s Guide to Bariatric Surgery

Obesity is a very common problem in today’s time even in India. The epidemic that started in the western world is fast spreading in India. Here, I am going to focus the discussion more on morbidly obese people for whom, a Bariatric (Obesity surgery) surgery is the best treatment option. Generally, there are a lot of queries, doubts, concerns and misunderstanding related to Bariatric and weight loss surgery among the obese people in India. This article will address these issues.

A Basic understanding of Obesity and weight loss options

Before we discuss Bariatric surgery, we need to understand a few basic things. This includes, what does obesity means, what are the causes, what are the grades of Obesity, how are we different than the western population, and what are the treatment options.

What is Obesity?

First of all, let us be very clear that obesity does not mean being overweight. Obesity is not just excess fat or kilos deposited in your body. Obesity is a disease recognized by the World Health Organization. It has a set of metabolic, hormonal, and behavioral changes associated with it. It affects your eating and activity preferences and has a significant impact on the quality of your life.

Causes of obesity

We need to understand that the cause of obesity is multi-factorial. The causes include our changed dietary habits, our lifestyle including our physical activity levels, changing job profiles, changing social life, social media, the availability of use of machines for lots of daily activities. And this understanding of the cause has to be judiciously and practically applied in fighting obesity. Only then shall we achieve good results.

Grading of obesity

All obese people are not the same. This means, all persons having a BMI of more than 30 do not have the same medical risks. The problems, medical, and others increase with increasing BMI. Thus, if your BMI falls between 30-35 you will be considered class I Obese, if your BMI is 35-40 then you are class II or severely obese. And with BMI between 40-50, you fall in class III or the morbidly obese category. Your BMI of more than 50 makes you a super obese person. What it means is, the problems faced by obese people depend on many things including the grades of obesity. Like, if you have obesity-related medical problems then even with BMI between 35-40, you will be considered morbidly obese. This grading of severity is important to understand your treatment options and thus the decision-making.

Approach to weight loss

Finally, the approach towards weight loss has to be individualized for each and every person. You are probably aware of many different weight loss options including dieting, herbal medication, exercising, and many weight loss clinics. The approach depends on your BMI, age, medical problems faced their expectation, and their lifestyle. Grossly, I would say that a healthy lifestyle and diet are part of the strategy for all obese persons.

Medications and some temporary procedures life endoscopic balloon placement can be of help to some selected patients. The aim of medication and balloon is to help in the initial weight loss attempt with diet and exercise. However, obesity surgery has now become a safe and reliable weight loss procedure when performed by experienced surgeons. Weight loss surgery is the only option that has consistently achieved adequate and sustained weight loss. And if you are morbidly obese, then Bariatric (Obesity) surgery followed by a healthy and active lifestyle should be your strategy.

Understanding Bariatric (Obesity) surgery

Bariatric (weight loss) surgery is the only option in today’s time that has shown consistent, significant, and long-term weight loss. Hence for all those people who need to lose significant weight, should consider the option of bariatric surgery. Especially, when they are suffering from obesity-related medical conditions. These surgeries give excellent results in terms of weight loss and improvement in many obesity-related medical problems. Thus improving the quality of life of these patients.

What is a Bariatric (obesity) surgery

In very simple words, bariatric surgery is a surgery of your stomach and intestine, with the intent to make you lose weight. This happens by restricting your food intake and by changes in your gut hormone and metabolism. Today, almost always these surgeries are done by a minimally invasive method, that is by a laparoscopic method. No fat is removed in these surgeries, and all weight loss occurs gradually, over the period of 12-18 months after surgery. In the end, I would like to clarify that it is not cosmetic surgery. It is done with the intent of improving the overall health of an obese person. Bariatric (weight loss) surgery is now commonly done in India with excellent immediate and long-term outcomes. To understand it better click here to watch the informative video.

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Who needs a Bariatric surgery

Baraitric surgery that is weight loss or obesity surgery is not for all. Every obese or overweight person should not be considering this surgery to loose weight. This is a major surgery and should be considered only when it is necessary. Below are the criteria when a person should consider bariatric surgery.

  • If your BMI is more than 37.5 or your are about 40 kgs above your ideal body weight
  • If your BMI is more than 32.5 and you have any one obesity related medical problem
  • You have failed in your attempts to lose and maintain the weight loss
  • Obesity related medical problems include Diabetes type II, Hypertension, Sleep apnoea, Lipid profile abnormality, Fatty liver, Knee and back problems, GERD

If you fulfill these criteria then you should consult us and discuss all the aspects of this surgery in detail.

Types of Bariatric/Obesity Surgery

There are various bariatric procedures available to you. Each one is having certain benefits and some negative aspects. You should understand each one in detail and discuss with your surgeon which one is best suited for you. The choice of procedure will depend on your weight, BMI, medical problems, age, and your expectation from this surgery. Below are the commonly performed surgeries with a short detail about each.


The stomach is reduced to about 25% of its original size by surgical removal of a large portion of the stomach along the greater curvature. The removed portion of the stomach is responsible for producing a hunger hormone called Grehlin. Hence after surgery, the craving for food decreases, and the patient feels satiety with less amount of food.


  • Fewer chances of protein and vitamin deficiency
  • Ideal for young females, who are likely to have a future pregnancy
  • Lower risk of peptic ulcer.
  • A better option for young patients with no diabetes and high cholesterol

To learn more click here


Stapling is used to create a small, upper stomach pouch which restricts the amount of food that can be consumed. A portion of the small bowel is also bypassed thus delaying food from mixing with digestive juices to avoid complete calorie absorption. In this operation also there a lot of digestive hormonal changes after surgery, which helps in reducing and maintaining weight and in improvement in obesity-related medical problems.


  • Much better resolution of obesity-associated medical problems, especially Diabetes type II, Fatty liver, and high cholesterol.
  • Lesser chances of weight regain
  • Ideal for patients with GERD/Acid reflux/Hiatus hernia

To learn more click here



Mini gastric bypass is a technically less complex surgery than a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. It has a greater component of malabsorption compared to the previous two procedures. Hence, a stricter follow-up and vitamin and protein supplements are very important.


  • Gives excellent weight loss in very high BMI patients.
  • It can be easily reversed or revised.
  • Also gives a very good resolution of obesity-associated medical conditions like diabetes and high cholesterol

The above three are the commonly done procedures in India. Most of the patient’s profile suits one of the above three surgeries. You need to discuss in detail with your surgeon what suits best for you.

Is Bariatric (Obesity) surgery safe?

All major surgeries involve a certain level of risk.

Risks involved with weight loss surgery depend on your associated medical diseases and on the type of surgery. Below we have listed the common complications and side effects


  • Re-operation rate
  • Anastomotic leak
  • Lung Infection
  • Wound infection
  • Deep vein thrombosis


  • Inability to eat large heavy meals
  • Vomiting / Regurgitations
  • Minor and temporary hair loss
  • Loose and Boggy skin
  • Deficiency of protein and vitamins
  • Gallbladder stones

However, the risks are negligible in expert hands and with regular post-operative follow up. If done following all the standard guidelines the risks of complications can be minimized. You can talk to us to discuss your risk for this procedure.

What are the likely benefits of Obesity (Bariatric) surgery

Depending on the type of surgery, the patient’s condition & lifestyle, anywhere from 70 to 90% of your Excess Body Weight (EBW) will be lost over a period of 6 months to two years. Most patients lose weight rapidly in the initial few months. After a few months, the rate of weight loss reduces but you continue to lose weight up to 18 to 24 months after the procedure.

After surgery, there will be an improvement in all your obesity related medical problems. Some of these problems can get resolved completely. You can see the image to know what all conditions improve after obesity surgery.

Fertility improves after obesity surgery. If you are a lady, you will be advised to avoid pregnancy for at least two years after surgery, in order to avoid the stress of pregnancy and childbirth during the period of rapid weight loss. You are strictly advised to use contraceptive methods during this time and plan pregnancy after your weight stabilizes. There are no such restrictions for a male undergoing this surgery.

One year after the surgery, you will be leading a happier, healthier, and more active life. There will be a drastic improvement in your quality of life. This is the exact reason why bariatric (weight loss) surgery is becoming more and more common in India.

Listen to a patients own experience with a bypass surgery

How much does Bariatric surgery cost in India

Cost of Bariatric (Obesity) surgery in India would depend on a lot of factors. The main variables that would affect the cost are

  • Type of surgery
  • Your medical condition
  • The quality of consumable products, especially staplers used

The cost of surgery would be based on the procedure chosen. The cost for bypass procedure would be a little more than sleeve gastrectomy surgery. Also if you have major heart, kidney or breathing problems the cost would increase. This is so because, specific treatment regarding these conditions may be needed before and after surgery. Also hospital stay may be increased and may also need a stay in an intensive care unit. Lastly, but most importantly, in an event of a complication the cost will increase. As we may need an additional procedure, medications and hospital stay. But generaly speaking, the cost of bariatric (weight loss) surgery is much less compared to other countries, even when the overall quality is matched.

You can send your queries by filling this form and we shall discuss with you, what shall the estimated cost in your particular case.

Why is ADROIT the best center for Bariatric (Obesity) surgery in India

We not only aim at reducing you weight, but to get back to your normal health. Also, we persevere to maintain your lost weight and health lifelong. So that you can lead an active life, full of energy and happiness, and can achieve your personal goals in life. All this is done only by a very dedicated follow-up, helping to stick to a healthy lifestyle post-surgery. An obese person faces many small issues that are an obstacle to attaining this state. And we are always ready as a team to help you overcome all these small obstacles.

That is the exact reason why our patients believe this is the best center for Bariatric (Obesity) surgery in India. This is not just because Dr. Chirag Thakkar is one of the best Bariatric (weight loss) surgeons, but we as a team aim to achieve what just a surgery cannot achieve.

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